

单词 stay
释义 staystaysstayedstayingstaystay1 /steɪ/ verb1[transitive] to remain in the same place, job, school etc, and not leave: He came to see me and stayed all day.comestay 他来看我﹐待了一整天。stay at/inI stayed at school late.stay 我在学校待到很晚。He stayed in his job for ten years.stayyear他那份工作干了十年。stay at home British English /stay home American English: She decided to stay home.decide 她决定待在家里。stay here/thereStay here in case anybody calls.call 待在这里﹐可能有人会打电话来。stay and do somethingI want to stay and help. 我想留下来帮忙。stay for dinner/lunch etcWhy don’t you stay for tea?为什么不留下来喝杯茶呢?2[intransitive, linking verb] to continue to be in a particular state, and not change: It was hard to stay awake.be 很难保持醒着。Try to stay calm. 尽量保持冷静。This town has stayed the same for centuries.havestaycentury 这座小镇多少个世纪来一直保持原样。I hope we can stay friends.friend我希望我们还是朋友。3[transitive] to live in a place for a short time as a visitor or gueststay at/inThey’re staying at her mother’s.stay他们住在她妈妈家。How long are you staying in Paris?bestay你要在巴黎待多久?stay withWe’re going to stay with friends this weekend.gofriend这个周末我们要在朋友家里过。Phrasesstay put informal to remain in one place and not move: Stay put until I get back.待着别动,等我回来。Phrasal verbsstay away phrasal verb to not go near someone or somethingstay away fromStay away from my sister!不要缠着我妹妹!THESAURUS avoidstay behind phrasal verb to stay in a place after the other people have left: I had to stay behind after school.have放学后我不得不留下来。stay in phrasal verb to stay in your home and not go out: Let’s stay in and watch TV.我们待在家里看电视吧。stay on phrasal verb to continue to do a job or to study after the time when people can leave: Rachel is staying on for another year in college.bestay蕾切尔留在大学里继续学习一年。stay out phrasal verb1to remain away from home during the evening or night: She stayed out till midnight.stay她在外面到半夜才回来。2stay out of something spoken to not get involved in an argument: He told me to stay out of it.tell他叫我别参与进去。stay up phrasal verb not to go to bed: We stayed up late last night.stay我们昨晚熬夜到很晚。THESAURUS: staystay to not leave a place, or to be in a place for a particular period of time: It was raining, so we stayed indoors.berainstayI thought she was going to stay all night!thinkbegoremain to stay somewhere. Remain is more formal than stay: He was taken to hospital and remained there for 6 weeks.betakeremainweeklinger to stay in a place a little longer than you need to, because you are enjoying yourself, or because you hope to see someone: They lingered over their coffee.lingerShe lingered there a few more minutes, hoping for a chance to talk to him.lingerminutehopehang around to stay somewhere not doing anything: I was hanging around waiting for Steve.behangwaitI’m sorry to keep you hanging around.hang




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