

单词 still
释义 stillstillstill1 /stɪl/ adverb1used when saying that a situation continues to be the same up to and including a particular point in time: Andy’s still asleep. 安迪仍在睡觉。I still haven’t done my essay.do我还没有写好论文。 ➔ see Word Choice at yet2in spite of what has just been said or done: Clare didn’t study much, but she still passed the exam.pass克莱尔不怎么用功﹐但她还是通过了考试。The hotel was terrible. Still, the weather was OK.bebe酒店很糟﹐不过天气不错。3used to say that something continues to be possible: We could still catch the bus if we hurry.can我们赶快的话还能赶上巴士。4colder/harder/better etc still even colder, harder etc than something else: Dan found biology difficult, and physics harder still.findhard丹觉得生物难学﹐物理更难。GrammarYou usually use still before a verb: We still love each other.我们还爱着对方。You use still after the verb to be: It is still dark outside.be外面还很黑。If there are two or more verbs together, still comes after the first one: I can still remember that day.我还记得那一天。Still usually comes before any negative word: Still no sign of him!还是没有他的踪影。




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