

单词 stop
释义 stopstopsstopstop2 noun1[singular] if a vehicle comes to a stop, or you bring it to a stop, it stops moving: Our taxi came to a stop outside his house.come我们的计程车在他家门口停了下来。The driver brought the truck to a sudden stop.bring司机让卡车突然停了下来。2[singular] if an activity comes to a stop, or you bring it to a stop, it stops happening: Work on the project has come to a stop.have 这个项目已经停工。efforts to bring the war to a stopeffort停战的努力3[countable] a place where you stop during a trip, or the short time you spend there: Our first stop is Brussels.be 我们第一站是布鲁塞尔。The trip includes an overnight stop in London.include这次旅行包括在伦敦停留一夜。4 [countable] a place where a bus or train regularly stops for people to get on and off: I get off at the next stop. 我在下一站下车。sb’s stop (=the place where someone usually gets off)This is your stop, isn’t it?be你在这一站下车﹐是吗? ➔ bus stop, full stop, pull out all the stops at pull1Phrasesput a stop to something to prevent something from continuing or happening: They tried to put a stop to the rumour.try他们竭力阻止谣言传播。




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