

单词 strength
释义 strengthstrengthsstrengthstrength /streŋθ, strenθ/ noun1physical power [uncountable] physical power and energy OPP weakness: a job which requires a lot of strengthrequire需要很大力气的活儿They pushed with all their strength.push 他们用尽全力推。have the strength to do somethingI didn’t have the strength to lift it.我没有力气把它抬起来。2determination [uncountable] determination to do something difficulthave the strength to do somethingShe didn’t have the strength to leave him. 她没有决心离开他。strength of mind/characterIt took great strength of character to carry on.take需要很大的意志力才能坚持下去。3of feeling/belief [uncountable] how strong a feeling or belief is: We hadn’t realized the strength of feeling among parents about this issue.realizefeelparent我们没有意识到家长在这个问题上的强烈意见。4of economy/army etc [uncountable] how strong or powerful something is: US military strength美国的军事实力strength ofthe strength of the economy经济实力5of currency [uncountable] the value of a country’s currency (=the money used there) compared to other currenciesstrength ofthe strength of the euro against the pound欧元对英镑的坚挺程度6good point [countable] your strengths are the good things about you, or the things you are good at: We have all got strengths and weaknesses.getstrengthweakness我们大家都有优点和缺点。7liquid/alcohol [uncountable and countable] how strong a liquid is: extra-strength beersbeer高浓度啤酒Phrasesat full strength/below strength with all the people that you need, or with fewer people than you need: The French team is at full strength.be法国队精锐尽出。go from strength to strength to become more and more successful: The company has gone from strength to strength.havego这家公司日益壮大。on the strength of something because of information or advice that you have: She was hired immediately on the strength of his recommendation.behire因为有他的推荐,她马上就被录用了。




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