

单词 stretch
释义 stretchstretchesstretchedstretchingstretchstretch1 /stretʃ/ verb1make something bigger/looser [intransitive and transitive] to make something bigger or looser by pulling it, or to become bigger or looser in this way: Don’t stretch my jumper!别拉我的毛衣!Stretch the canvas so that it covers the whole frame.cover 把油画布绷紧覆在整个画框上。Trainers tend to stretch when you wear them.trainer运动鞋穿穿会撑大些。2arms/legs [intransitive and transitive] to push your arms, legs, or another part of your body as far as they can go: He sat up in bed and stretched.sitstretch 他从床上坐起身﹐伸了个懒腰。an exercise to stretch the leg musclesmuscle拉伸腿部肌肉的练习stretch over/across/out/upShe stretched over and picked up the phone.stretchpick她伸手接起电话。3cover a large area [transitive] to cover a large area of landstretch away/toThe lake stretched away into the distance.stretch那湖一直延伸到远方。4continue a long time [transitive] to continue for a long period of timestretch into/toThe project will probably stretch into next year.这个项目可能会延续到明年。5make somebody work/think [transitive] to give someone difficult work so that they have to use all their intelligence and ability to do it: It’s important to stretch students.student严格要求学生﹐让他们充分发挥才智很重要。6not have enough be stretched (to the limit) not to have enough money, time etc: We’re really stretched for money at the moment.stretch我们目前手头非常拮据。Phrasesstretch your legs informal to go for a walk: A few of the passengers got off the bus to stretch their legs.passengergetleg有几名乘客从公共汽车上下来活动腿脚。




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