

单词 blow
释义 blowblowsblowblow2 noun [countable]1something very sad and disappointing that happens to you: Her mother’s death was a terrible blow.be她母亲的死是一个沉重的打击。2a hard hit with a hand, tool, or weaponblow to/onThe victim suffered several blows to the head.sufferblow受害者头部遭到多次重击。3when you blow air out of your mouth or nose: One blow and the candles were out.candlebe一口气就把蜡烛都吹灭了。 ➔ body blowPhrasescome to blows if two people come to blows, they start fighting: The two men came to blows in an argument over money.mancomeblow那两个人因为钱财吵打起来了。




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