

单词 suck
释义 sucksuckssuckedsuckingsucksuck1 /sʌk/ verb [intransitive and transitive]1to hold something in your mouth and pull on it with your tongue and lips: Don’t suck your thumb, Katie. 不要吮大拇指﹐凯蒂。suck onBarry was sucking on a candy bar.besuck巴里正咂着一块糖。2to take air or liquid into your mouth by making your lips form a small hole and then pulling the air or liquid insuck upShe sucked up the last of her lemonade with a straw.suck她用吸管喝完最后一点柠檬水。3to pull someone or something with a lot of forcesuck somebody under/downThe river sucked him under.suck河水吞没了他。Phrasesbe sucked into (doing) something to become involved in something unpleasant without wanting to: He was quickly sucked into a life of crime.besuck他很快就卷入了犯罪营生。




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