

单词 sure
释义 suresurersurestsuresure /ʃɔː $ ʃʊr/ adjective, adverb1[not before noun] certain about somethingsure (that)Are you sure you’ve had enough?behave 你肯定吃饱了吗?sure aboutAre you quite sure (=completely sure) about this?be这事你很有把握吗?sure ofHe wasn’t sure of her name.他不太清楚她叫什么名字。He felt sure he knew her.feelknow 他确信认识她。not sure what/where/why etcI’m not sure what happened.happen我不清楚发生了什么。not sure if/whether ...I’m not sure if he’s coming.come我不肯定他会不会来。 2certain to happen or be true: This one’s a sure winner. 这一位肯定会赢。Those clouds are a sure sign of rain.cloudbe 那些云说明肯定要下雨了。sure to do somethingHe’s sure to say something stupid.他肯定会说出一些愚蠢的话来。3be sure of something to be certain to get something or certain that something will happen: You’re sure of a warm welcome there.你在那里肯定会受到热情接待。4spoken used to say yes to someone: ‘Can I read your paper?’ ‘Sure.’“我可以看看你的报纸吗?”“当然可以。”5informal used to admit that something is true, before you say something very different: Sure, he’s attractive, but I’m not interested.interest没错﹐他是很有吸引力﹐可是我没兴趣。Phrasesbe sure to do something spoken used to tell someone to remember to do something: Be sure to write!一定要写信来!for sure informal if you know something for sure, you are certain about it: I think Jack’s married, but I don’t know for sure.marry我想杰克已经结婚﹐但我不能肯定。 make sure (that)1to check that something is true or that something has been done: Can you make sure the door’s locked?lock你去看看门锁了没有好吗?THESAURUS check2to do something so that you can be certain of the result: Make sure you get there early.你一定要早点到那里。sure enough informal used to say that something happened that you expected to happen: Sure enough, we got lost.getlose果然﹐我们迷路了。sure of yourself confident about your own abilities and opinions THESAURUS confidentsure thing American English spoken used to agree to something: ‘See you Friday.’ ‘Yeah, sure thing.’“星期五见。”“好的﹐一定。”that’s for sure used to emphasize that something is true: It’s a lot better than it was, that’s for sure.wellbe比以前好多了﹐那是肯定的。THESAURUS: suresure believing that something is definitely true or correct: Are you sure Bill was there?bebecertain completely sure. Certain is more formal than sure: We are certain that you will find our website useful.beconvinced sure that something is true, even though you cannot prove it: She became convinced that he was in love with her.becomeconvincebepositive especially spoken completely sure that something is true, especially when other people are not sure: I’m positive you said we were meeting at seven.saybemeetsatisfied sure that you know the truth about something that has happened, because you have enough information: I am satisfied it was an accident.besatisfybeconfident sure that something good will happen or that you will achieve something: We are very confident of victory.beI’m confident that the show will be a great success.have no doubt (also be in no doubt) to have no doubts in your mind about something: I have no doubt that you’re right.




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