

单词 test
释义 testteststesttest1 /test/ noun [countable]1a set of questions or exercises for measuring your knowledge of a subject, or your skill: I’ve got a history test tomorrow.get我明天要测验历史。I failed my driving test twice.faildrive我两次驾驶考试都没及格。The children are doing a French test today.childbedo今天孩子们将进行法语测验。2a medical check on part of your body: an eye test眼睛检查a blood test验血 3a process used to find out whether something works, whether it is safe etc: safety tests on diving equipmenttestdive对潜水设备的安全测试4a situation that shows how good, bad etc something istest ofToday’s race is a real test of skill.be今天的比赛是对技能的一次真正考验。COLLOCATIONS: testverbsto take a test (also to do a test British English)All students have to take a test in English.student ► Do not say ’make a test’. Say take a test or do a test.to give somebody a testShall I give you a test on your vocabulary?to pass/fail a test (=to succeed in it, or to not succeed)All the children passed the maths test.childpassmathIf you fail the test, you will have to do it again.to do well/badly in a test British English, to do well/badly on a test American EnglishI didn’t do very well in the chemistry test.types of testa biology/history etc testI got 80% in the geography test.geta spelling/reading/listening testPart of the exam is a listening test.belistena written testThe written test involves doing two short essays.writeinvolvedoessaya driving testWhen are you taking your driving test?betakedrivean oral test (=in which you speak, rather than write)Pronunciation is an important part of the oral test.bea multiple choice test (=in which each question has several answers you can choose from)a 20-question multiple choice testtest + nouna test result/scoreThe school’s test results show that it is doing very well.resultbedoa test questionThere are some test questions at the back of the book.bequestiona test paperShe said she hadn’t marked our test papers yet.saymarkpaperTHESAURUS: testtest a set of questions or exercises for measuring your knowledge of a subject, or your skill: Our teacher gave us a maths test today.givemathHe failed his driving test.faildriveexam (also examination formal) an important test that you do at the end of a course of study, or at the end of the school year: Good luck in your exams!examThere’s a written examination at the end of the course.writeoral exam (also oral British English) an exam in which you answer questions by speaking instead of writing: It’s my French oral exam tomorrow.practical British English an exam that tests your ability to do or make things: The chemistry practical will involve doing a simple experiment.domock exam British English a test that you do to practice for an important exam, which has the same kind of questions: She did well in the mock exams.doexamfinals British English the last exams that you take at the end of a British university course: I worked all through the Easter holidays before my finals.workholidayfinalquiz American English a quick test that a teacher gives to a class: Mr. Morris might give us a quiz on that chapter we had to read.havemidterm American English an important test that students take in the middle of a set of classes: The History midterm was really hard.bemocks/mock exams British English informal tests that you take as practice before the official examinations: It’s only the mocks this term.mock




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