

单词 they
释义 theytheythey /ðeɪ/ pronoun1the people or things that have already been mentioned or that are already known about: Ken gave me some flowers, aren’t they beautiful?giveflower肯送给我一些花﹐很漂亮吧?I called on my parents, but they weren’t in.callparent我去看望我的父母﹐但他们不在家。2the group of people who organize something or are in charge of something: They’re going to build a new road round the town centre.go他们打算环绕市中心筑一条新路。3used instead of ‘he’ or ‘she’ after words such as someone, everyone etc: Someone at work said they saw you at the party.saysee有同事说在派对上看见你。4they say/think used to say what people in general say or think: Nowadays, they say it’s wrong to be too strict with children.child现在据说对孩子太严厉是错误的。




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