

单词 thief
释义 thiefthievesthiefthief /θiːf/ noun [countable] (plural thieves /θiːvz/) someone who steals things: Thieves broke in and stole some valuable jewellery.thievebreaksteal 窃贼破门而入﹐偷了一些价值不菲的珠宝。a car thief偷车贼a petty thief (=someone who steals things that are not valuable)小偷THESAURUS: thiefthief someone who steals things from a person or place: The thief grabbed her camera and ran off with it.grabrunCar thieves are operating in this area.thievebeoperateburglar someone who goes into houses, offices etc to steal things: Burglars often break into houses while people are away on holiday.burglarhousebePolice believe the burglar got in through the kitchen window.getrobber someone who steals from banks, shops, houses etc, especially using threats or violence: Two armed robbers hit the man over the head.armrobbera gang of bank robbersrobbershoplifter someone who steals things from shops, especially by quickly hiding them in their clothes or in a bag: Store detectives have the job of stopping shoplifters.detectivestoppickpocket someone who steals from people’s pockets, especially in a crowded public place: Tourists are being warned to watch out for pickpockets.touristbebewarnpickpocketmugger a thief who violently attacks someone in the street and robs them: He was beaten up and robbed by a gang of muggers.bebeatrobmugger




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