

单词 ad
释义 adadsadad /æd/ noun [countable] informal an advertisementTHESAURUS: adadvertisement a picture, set of words, or short film that is intended to persuade people to buy something, or that gives information about a concert, film, job etc: advertisements for beauty productsadvertisementproducta job advertisementad (also advert British English) informal an advertisement: an ad for a new Toshiba computercommercial an advertisement for a product or shop on television or radio: a television commercial for Levi jeansposter a picture or sign used to advertise something in a public place: I saw a poster for the film outside the cinema.seebillboard a big sign next to a road, with an advertisement on it: the huge billboards on the freewaybillboardflier a piece of paper with an advertisement on it, often given to you in the street: a flier for a concertflyjunk mail letters advertising things that are sent to a lot of people, especially ones that people do not want: We get so much junk mail through our letter box.spam emails advertising things that are sent to a lot of people and that they do not want: There are various ways to prevent spam reaching your inbox.bewayreach




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