

单词 threaten
释义 threatenthreatensthreatenedthreateningthreatenthreaten /ˈθretn/ verb1[transitive] to tell someone that you will hurt them or cause serious problems for them if they do not do what you wantthreaten to do somethingThe hijackers threatened to shoot him.hijackerthreaten劫持者威胁要开枪杀他。threaten somebody with somethingI was threatened with jail if I published the story.bethreatenpublish我受到威胁说﹐如果刊登这篇报道﹐就会被送进监狱。2[transitive] to be likely to harm or destroy something: Illegal hunting threatens the survival of the white rhino.huntthreaten非法捕猎危及白犀牛的生存。be threatened with somethingThe rainforest is threatened with extinction.bethreaten热带雨林面临毁灭的威胁。3[transitive] if something unpleasant threatens to happen, it seems likely to happenthreaten to do somethingThe fighting threatens to turn into a major civil war.fightthreaten这次战斗可能会演变成一场大规模的内战。—threateningthreatening adjective: a threatening letterthreaten恐吓信—threateninglythreateningly adverbTHESAURUS: threatenthreaten to tell someone that you will hurt them or cause serious problems for them if they do not do what you want: They threatened to kill us if we didn’t hand over the money.threatenShe’s always threatening to leave me.threatenblackmail to force someone to give you money or do what you want, by saying that you will tell embarrassing secrets about them: Police believe that the girl was blackmailing him and threatening to tell his wife.beblackmailthreatenintimidate to make someone feel afraid about what might happen to them or their family, so that they will do what you want: The gang threw bricks at his windows and tried to intimidate him into moving away from the area.throwbrickwindowtrymove




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