

单词 tick
释义 ticktickstickedtickingticktick2 verb1 [transitive] if a clock or watch ticks, it makes a short sound every second2[transitive] British English to mark something with a tickPhraseswhat makes somebody tick informal the thoughts, feelings, opinions etc that make someone behave in a particular way: I can’t figure out what makes him tick.make我弄不明白他为什么会这样。Phrasal verbstick away/by phrasal verb if time ticks away or by, it passestick somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verb1British English informal to tell someone angrily that you are annoyed with them2American English informal to annoy someone: Her attitude is really ticking me off.betick她的态度真的让我很生气。3British English to put a tick next to something on a list to show that it has been donetick over phrasal verb British English to continue working at a slow steady rate without producing much: We kept the business just ticking over until new orders arrived.keeptickorderarrive我们勉强维持生意直至接到新的订单。




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