

单词 tie
释义 tietiestiedtyingtietie1 /taɪ/ verb (past tense and past participle tied, present participle tying, third person singular ties)1 [transitive] to fasten something by making a knot in a piece of string, rope etc OPP untietie something to/onto/around etc somethingTie this label to your suitcase. 把这个标签系在衣箱上。She tied a scarf around her head.tie她在头上系了一条头巾。tie something with somethinga parcel tied with stringtie用绳子捆起来的包裹tie somebody to somethingThey tied him to a chair.tie 他们把他绑在一把椅子上。tie sb’s hands/feet2[transitive] to make a knot in a rope, string etc OPP untie: Can he tie his shoelaces?shoelace他会系鞋带吗?tie a knot/bowShe put a ribbon round it and tied a bow.tie她用丝带绑住它﹐打了个蝴蝶结。3 (also be tied) [transitive] to have the same number of points in a competitiontie withSan Diego are tied with Denver Broncos.betiebronco 圣迭戈队和丹佛野马队打成平局。tie forJones and Beale tied for second place.tie琼斯和比尔并列第二。4be tied to something to be dependent on something or restricted by a particular situation: Salary increases are tied to inflation.increasebetie 加薪额和通货膨胀紧密相关。be tied to doing somethingI don’t want to be tied to doing paperwork all day.tiedo我不想被限制住﹐整天做些文书工作。Phrasestie the knot informal to get married: When are you two going to tie the knot?bego你们俩打算什么时候结婚?Phrasal verbstie somebody down phrasal verb to stop someone from being free to do what they want to do: I’m not ready to be tied down at my age.tie在我这个年龄我还没有准备好被束缚。tie in with something phrasal verb to be similar to or related to another thing: How does the new job tie in with your long-term plans?doplan这份新工作的情况如何与你的长期目标相符呢?tie somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb1to tie someone’s arms, legs etc so that they cannot move2to fasten something together using string or rope3to use something continuously, stopping other people from using it: Don’t tie up the phone with personal calls.call不要占着电话线打私人电话。4be tied up to be very busy: I’ll be tied up all day.tie我一整天都会忙得脱不开身。




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