

单词 to
释义 tototo2 preposition1used to say the place or direction where someone or something goes: She walked to the door.walk 她走到门口。He flew to Florida.fly 他飞往佛罗里达州。We’re going to a party.go 我们要去参加派对。Which is the way to the station?be到车站怎么走?to the left/right/north etcCan you move a little to the left?leave你能向左移动一下吗?2used to say who receives something or is told or shown somethingsay/call/whisper etc something to somebodyDid Liz say hello to you?do利兹向你问好了吗?give/pass/show etc something to somebodyShow your ticket to the inspector.向检票员出示你的票。3used to say where something is touching, facing, or connected: She held her finger to her lips.holdlip 她把手指贴在嘴唇上。He stood with his back to me.stand他背对我站着。tie/stick/fasten etc something to somethingStick the label to the package.把这个标签贴在包裹上。4a)as far as a particular point or limitfrom ... to ...It’s 30 miles from here to Toronto.mil从这里到多伦多有 30 英里。books on everything from cooking to campingbookcookcamp包括从烹饪到宿营各种内容的书籍The water came up to our knees.comeknee水涨到了我们的膝部。Read to page 45.读到第 45 页。 b)until and including a particular time or datefrom ... to ...The banks are open from 9.30 to 3.00.bankbe 银行从九点半营业到下午三点。I work from Monday to Thursday.我星期一到星期四工作。5used to say what something is connected with: the key to the front door前门的钥匙I don’t know the answer to that question. 我不知道那个问题的答案。a danger to health对健康的危害6used to say who has a particular attitude or opinion: To some people, £20 is a lot of money.be对某些人来讲﹐20 英镑是一大笔钱。It looks a bit strange to me.lookbite这对我来说有点奇怪。7used to compare two things or numbers: I prefer New York to LA.与洛杉矶相比﹐我更喜欢纽约。Brazil won by 2 goals to 1.wingoal巴西队二比一胜。8used to say what state something is in as a result of an action or changeturn/change to somethingWait until the light turns to green.turn 等到灯变绿。Mix the ingredients to a smooth paste.ingredient把材料搅拌成均匀的糊状。9used to say how much time is left before a particular time or event: It’s only two weeks to Christmas.week 只差两周就到圣诞节了。ten to four/quarter to six etcSchool starts at five to nine.start学校在 8 点 55 分开始上课。10to sb’s surprise/horror/relief etc used to say what someone’s reaction is to something: To her surprise, they offered her the job.offer令她感到意外的是﹐他们给了她那份工作。




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