

单词 tooth
释义 toothteethtoothtooth /tuːθ/ noun [countable] (plural teeth /tiːθ/)1 one of the hard white things in your mouth, used for biting food: She had perfect white teeth.havetooth她有一副洁白的好牙齿。Did you remember to brush your teeth?dotooth你记得刷牙了吗?2one of the long narrow pointed parts of a comb, saw etc ➔ have a sweet tooth at sweet1, wisdom toothCOLLOCATIONS: toothverbsto brush your teeth (also to clean your teeth British English)It’s best to brush your teeth after meals.welltoothmealCOMMON ERRORS ► Do not say ’wash your teeth’. Say brush your teeth or clean your teeth.to have a tooth out British English, to have a tooth pulled American English (=have a tooth removed )The dentist says I need to have a tooth out.sayto lose a tooth (=no longer have it)Children lose their first teeth around six or seven.childtoothto extract a tooth formal (=take it out)She had two teeth extracted.havetoothextractsb’s teeth chatter (=hit together quickly because someone is cold or afraid)She was so cold that her teeth were chattering.betoothbechatterto floss your teeth (=clean between your teeth using dental floss)My dentist said I should floss my teeth more.sayshalltoothadjectivessb’s front/back teethOne of my back teeth is hurting.toothbehurtwhite/yellow teethHis teeth were straight and white.toothbea loose tooth (=one that is going to come out)Billy’s got a loose tooth.geta missing tooth (=no longer there)I noticed that the man had several missing teeth.noticehavemisstootha broken toothHe grinned showing a row of black broken teeth.grinshowbreaktoothsharp teethBe careful – these fish have very sharp teeth.toothgood/bad teethShe felt ashamed of her bad teeth and rarely smiled.feeltoothsmilerotten teethHe had the most disgusting rotten teeth.havedisgusttootheven teeth (=all the same height )Brad’s teeth were white and even.toothbecrooked teeth (=not straight)He grinned at me, showing rotten, crooked teeth.grinshowcrooktoothtooth + nountooth decay (=when teeth become bad and unhealthy)Too much sugar causes tooth decay.cause




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