

单词 tough
释义 toughtoughertoughesttoughtough /tʌf/ adjective1difficult difficult or involving problems: It was a tough job.be 那是一项棘手的工作。They asked some tough questions.askquestion他们问了一些难以回答的问题。Recently she’s had a tough time.have 最近她的日子很难熬。It’s tough being married to a cop.bemarry 嫁给警察日子不好过。be tough on somebody (=make things difficult for someone)The divorce was tough on the kids.bekid 离婚让孩子们吃了苦。2strong person a tough person is strong or determined, and not easily upset: Bruce Willis plays the part of a tough cop.play 布鲁斯∙威利斯扮演一个硬汉警察的角色。a gang of teenage boys, trying to look toughboytry装凶充横的一帮十几岁男孩a tough businesswoman作风强硬的女商人3strict very stricttough on/withThe government said it was going to get tough on crime.saybego政府表示要严厉打击犯罪。tough immigration lawslaw严格的移民法4cloth/material tough material is not easily broken or damaged: a tough waterproof jacket一件结实的防水夹克THESAURUS strong5meat tough food, especially meat, is difficult to cut and eat OPP tender: The steak was a bit tough.bebite牛排有点儿老。THESAURUS hard—toughnesstoughnessestoughness noun [uncountable]Phrasestough!/tough luck! spoken used when a bad situation affecting someone cannot or will not be changed, and you do not care: If you don’t like it, tough!你不喜欢的话﹐那你活该倒霉!THESAURUS: toughdifficult not easy to do, understand, or deal with: a difficult taska difficult problemIt’s difficult to talk about these things.thinghard difficult. Hard is less formal than difficult and is very common in everyday English: The test was really hard.beIt’s hard to say sorry.tough very difficult, because you have to use a lot of effort, or be very determined: It was a tough race.beManagers sometimes have to make some tough decisions.managerdecisioncomplicated something that is complicated is difficult to understand because it has many parts: The rules of the game are very complicated.rulebecomplicatea complicated systemcomplicatetricky difficult, especially because there are many possible problems and you could easily make a mistake: Finding your way out of the forest can be tricky, especially at night.finda tricky situationawkward an awkward situation, question etc is difficult or embarrassing to deal with: You’ve put me in a very awkward position.challenging difficult in an interesting and enjoyable way: I wanted a job that was more challenging.wantbechallengea challenging piece of musicchallengedemanding a demanding job or task is difficult and tiring, because it takes a lot of time and hard work: It can be demanding bringing up young children.demandbringchildThe job is very demanding and can be quite stressful.bedemandarduous long and tiring and needing a lot of effort: an arduous journeyan arduous taskthingstrong not easily broken or damaged: Calcium keeps bones strong and healthy.keepbonestrong threadtough strong – used about something that can be used a lot without being damaged: a pair of tough leather bootsbootsturdy strong and often thick, and not likely to fall over or get broken: a sturdy wooden benchindestructible impossible to break, damage, or destroy, and lasting forever: The watch is virtually indestructible.behard not soft, and difficult to press down, break, or cut: They slept on the cold hard floor.sleepDiamond is the hardest substance known to man.behardknowfirm something that is firm does not feel soft when you press it – used especially when something feels right: I like to sleep on a firm mattress.Make sure the tomatoes are ripe but firm.tomatobestiff difficult to bend – used especially about things made from paper or cloth: I stuck the photos on a piece of stiff card.stickphotoThe collar of his shirt felt stiff and uncomfortable.feeltough meat that is tough is too hard and is difficult to cut or eat: The steak was very tough.becrisp/crispy food that is crisp is pleasantly firm and makes a noise when you bite it – used especially about lettuce and bacon: a nice crisp lettucecrispy fried baconfrystrict making sure that people always obey rules and behave well: His father is very strict.befirm showing that you are in control of a situation and will not change your opinion: You have to be firm with children.childtough determined that your orders or decisions will be obeyed, especially in order to improve a situation: We need to get tough on criminals.criminalThe boss was tough but fair.beharsh punishing or criticizing someone in a way that seems very severe, often too severe: Perhaps I’ve been a little too harsh with her.be




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