

单词 trick
释义 tricktrickstricktrick1 /trɪk/ noun [countable]1something you do in order to deceive someone, or as a joke to make people laugh at someone: The phone call was just a trick to get him out of the office.be这个电话只是把他骗出办公室的伎俩。The girls were always playing tricks on their teacher.girlbeplaytrick 这些女孩子老是捉弄她们的老师。2something that seems like magic which is done in order to entertain people: a card trick 一个纸牌戏法3a clever and effective way of doing something: The trick is to keep your design simple.be 诀窍就是设计要简单。 ➔ hat trickPhrasesdo the trick spoken if something does the trick, it helps you to succeed in doing what you want: A little salt should do the trick.shall加一点盐应该就可以了。it was a trick of the light used to say that something appeared to be different from the way it really is




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