

单词 truth
释义 truthtruthstruthtruth /truːθ/ noun1the truth the true facts about something ➔ lie: I’m still trying to find out the truth.try我仍在试图查出真相。The truth is I don’t know what will happen.be 实际情况是我不知道会发生什么事。 He might be telling the truth.tell他也许是在讲真话。2[uncountable] if there is truth in something, it is truetruth inDo you think there’s any truth in these accusations?accusation你认为这些指控是否属实?3[countable] formal an important fact or idea that people accept is true: scientific truthstruth科学真理Phrasesto tell (you) the truth spoken used when giving your opinion or admitting something: To tell you the truth, I’ve never really liked him.like实话对你说﹐我从没有真正喜欢过他。COLLOCATIONS: truthverbsto tell the truthDo you think she’s telling the truth?tellCOMMON ERRORS ► Do not say ’say the truth’. Say tell the truth.to find out the truth (also to discover the truth formal)Mum will be angry when she finds out the truth.findHe was sure that no one would ever discover the truth.bewillto know/learn the truthIt happened so long ago that we may never know the truth.happenI was shocked when I learnt the truth.beshocklearnto accept the truthThey can’t accept the truth because it is too horrible.beto get the truth out of somebody (=make someone tell you the truth)I know a way to get the truth out of her!to speak the truth formalHe always spoke the truth, whether it was popular or not.speakbeto reveal the truthShe’d promised never to reveal the truth.promiseadjectivesthe whole truthI don’t think what he told me was the whole truth.tellbethe simple/plain truthThe simple truth is that I don’t love her anymore.bethe awful/terrible truthMartha felt sick when she realized the awful truth.feelrealizethe sad/painful truth (=something that is true but that you feel sad about)The sad truth is that most people don’t really care.bethe honest truth (=used to emphasize that you are not lying)We never came here to steal anything, and that’s the honest truth.come




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