

单词 turn
释义 turnturnsturnturn2 noun [countable]1chance to do something if it is your turn to do something, it is the time when you can or should do it, not anyone else SYN go British English: It’s your turn. Roll the dice. 轮到你了。掷骰子吧。Whose turn is it to walk the dog?be轮到谁遛狗了?You’ll just have to wait your turn (=wait until it is your turn).你只得等着轮到你。2different direction a change in the direction you are moving inleft/right turnThe car made a left turn at the lights.makeleavelight汽车在交通信号灯处左转。3junction a road that joins the road you are on SYN turning: Take the first turn on your left.leave在第一个交叉处左拐。4curve a curve in a road, river etc: There’s a sharp turn coming up ahead.come前方有一个急转弯。5circular movement when you turn something completely around a fixed point: Give the wheel another turn.再转一下轮子。6change a sudden or unexpected change that makes a situation develop in a different way: this new turn of eventsevent 事态的这一新变化take a turn for the better/worseTwo days after the operation, Dad took a turn for the worse.daytakeill 手术两天后﹐爸爸的病情恶化了。Phrasesgood turn something that someone does that is helpful to someone else: He certainly did Patrick a good turn.do他无疑帮了帕特里克一个大忙。in turn one after another: He spoke to each of the students in turn.speakstudent 他逐一和每个学生讲话。take turns (also take it in turns British English) if a group of people take turns doing something, first one person does it, then anothertake turns doing somethingThey took turns caring for their mother.taketurncare 他们轮流照料母亲。take turns to do somethingWe took it in turns to do the driving.taketurndrive我们轮流开车。the turn of the century the beginning of a new century: My ancestors moved to America at the turn of the century.ancestormove 我的祖先于世纪之交移居美国。




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