

单词 untie
释义 untieuntiesuntieduntyinguntieuntie /ʌnˈtaɪ/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle untied, present participle untying, third person singular unties) to unfasten something that has been tied in a knot: Can you help me untie the rope?你能帮我解开绳子吗?THESAURUS: untieunfasten to open something that is fastened or tied: Paul unfastened his jacket.unfastenundo to unfasten clothes or unfasten buttons, zips etc on clothes: My fingers were so cold that I couldn’t undo the buttons.fingerbebuttonuntie to unfasten the knot that fastens shoes, a tie, a scarf etc: He tried to takes his shoes off without untying the laces.trytakeshoeuntielaceunbutton to unfasten the buttons on a piece of clothing: He quickly unbuttoned his shirt.unbuttonunzip to unfasten the zip on clothes, a bag etc: She unzipped the bag and started to search for a pen.unzipstart




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