

单词 untrue
释义 untrueuntrueruntruestuntrueuntrue /ʌnˈtruː/ adjective not true: Most of what she said was untrue.saybe 她说的话大都是假的。THESAURUS: untrueuntrue not true, because the person does not know the facts, or because they are lying: This statement is completely untrue.befalse not true and not based on the facts, or not the real one: The article gives a totally false impression of life in Russia.giveHe gave a false name and address to the police.givesomething is not the case used when saying that what someone believes or says is not really true: Recent reports suggest that violent crime is increasing, but this is simply not the case.reportbeincreasebemisleading likely to make people believe something that is not true, especially by not giving all the facts: The brochure is misleading, because the hotels it shows are not the ones you actually stay in.bemisleadhotelshowbeone




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