

单词 useful
释义 usefulusefuluseful /ˈjuːsfəl/ adjective something that is useful helps you to do or get what you want OPP useless: a useful book for travellerstraveller一本对旅行者有用的书useful forTrade fairs are useful for meeting new clients.fairbemeetclient 交易会对结识新客户很有用。It’s useful to make a list before you start. 先列一个表再动手是很有帮助的。His knowledge of Italian was to come in useful (=be useful) later on.belate他学的意大利语后来派上了用场。—usefullyusefully adverb—usefulnessusefulnessesusefulness noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: usefuluseful something that is useful helps you to do or get what you want: The book is full of useful information.behandy informal useful – used especially when something is easy to use, or in the phrase come in handy: a handy little gadget for peeling potatoespeelpotatohandy hintshinta handy guide to the best places to visitwellplaceThe money could come in handy later on (=be useful at that time).canlatehelpful useful and helping you to do something: Their website provides helpful advice for students.providestudentvaluable very useful and important: His information was very valuable to the police.bea valuable lessoninvaluable extremely useful in helping you do something: The Internet is an invaluable tool for students.bestudentindispensable someone or something that is indispensable is so useful and important that you cannot do something without them: For walkers, a good compass is indispensable.walkerbeHe became an indispensable part of the team.become




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