

单词 vision
释义 visionvisionsvisionvision AC /ˈvɪʒən/ noun1ability to see [uncountable] the ability to see SYN sight: Will the operation improve my vision?这个手术可以改善我的视力吗?good/normal/poor etc visionchildren who are born with poor visionchildbe先天视力欠佳的儿童2area you see [uncountable] the area that you can see, especially without turning your head: a figure at the edge of her vision 在她视野边缘的一个人影3idea [countable] an idea about what something will be likevision ofHe had a clear vision of how he wanted the company to develop.havewant 他对自己希望公司如何发展有明确的想法。vision forThe President outlined his vision for the future (=what he wanted to happen in the future).outline总统勾画了他对未来的设想。I had visions of (=imagined) the children getting hurt.havevisionchildget 我胡思乱想着孩子们受伤了。4in a dream/religious experience [countable] a person or thing that appears to you in a dream, or as part of a powerful religious experience5ability to plan for the future [uncountable] the knowledge and imagination that are needed in planning for the future with a clear purpose: We need a leader with vision. 我们需要一位有远见卓识的领导。 ➔ tunnel vision




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