

单词 vital
释义 vitalvitalvital /ˈvaɪtl/ adjective1extremely important or necessaryvital toHis evidence was vital to the defence case.be他的证词对辩方的论据非常重要。The work she does is absolutely vital.dobe她所做的工作极其重要。2full of energy, in a way that seems attractive—vitallyvitally adverb: The work is vitally important.be这个工作极为重要。THESAURUS: vitalimportant something that is important has a big effect on what happens: an important announcementIt’s important to wear gloves.glovebig important or serious – used especially about a problem, decision, or event: Getting married is a big decision.getmarrybeKnife crime is a big problem.beBy the time the big day arrived, I was very nervous.arrivebemajor a major problem, change, cause, reason etc is one of the most important or serious ones: Alcohol is a major cause of accidents.beaccidentThere have been several major changes in my life.bechangekey extremely important – used when emphasizing that someone or something is much more important than other things: He played a key role in the team’s success.playthe key objectiveUnemployment remains a key issue for the government.remainmain/chief/principal more important than all the others: What is your main aim?be This was the principal reason for their decision.beessential very important, especially for the success, health, or safety of someone or something: Fresh vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet.vegetablebeIt is essential to use the right equipment.bevital/crucial extremely important and necessary in order to avoid problems or failure: His evidence was vital to the case.beTiming is crucial.timebeof great importance formal if something is of great importance, it is very important: This is a matter of great importance.beHis work was of great importance to the development of modern science.besignificant important enough to be noticeable or have a big effect: There have been some significant changes.bechangeThe result of the election was highly significant.behistoric a historic event, moment etc brings important changes and is remembered as part of history: the historic moment when man first walked on the Moonwalk




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