

单词 voice
释义 voicevoicesvoicevoice1 /vɔɪs/ noun1 [uncountable and countable] the sounds you make when you speak or sing, or the ability to make these soundsin a loud/soft etc voice‘It’s too late,’ he said in a low voice.say“太晚了。” 他低声说。the singer’s beautiful voice歌手的优美歌喉2[uncountable and countable] someone’s opinion, or the right to express an opinion or influence decisions: Parents should have a voice in deciding how their children are educated.parentshalldecidechildbeeducate子女受什么样的教育﹐家长应该有发言权。3[singular] a person, organization, newspaper etc that says publicly what a group of people think or wantvoice ofDr King become the voice of the Civil Rights Movement.right金博士成了民权运动的代言人。Phrasesat the top of your voice as loudly as you can: She shouted ‘Help!’ at the top of her voice.shout她扯着嗓子高喊“救命!”keep your voice down used for telling someone to speak more quietly: Keep your voice down – the whole restaurant can hear you!小声点——整个餐厅都听见你了!speak with one voice if people speak with one voice, they all express the same opinion: Europe must speak with one voice on European security.对于欧洲的安全问题,全欧必须保持一致。the voice of reason/experience etc when someone speaks in a way that seems sensible, that shows they have had a lot of experience of doing something etc: My mother was always the voice of reason in our house.be在我们家,我妈妈一直是代表理性的声音。COLLOCATIONS: voiceadjectivesa loud voiceI heard loud voices in the next room.hearvoicea quiet/low/soft voice (=not loud)Her voice was so quiet I could hardly hear it.becana small voice (=quiet and not strong or confident)She answered in a small voice, ‘I think I was afraid.’answerbea deep/low voice (=near the bottom of the range of sounds)He sang in his beautiful deep voice.singa high/high-pitched voice (=near the top of the range of sounds)His voice was surprisingly high-pitched.bepitcha squeaky voice (=very high and not strong)The mouse talks in a little squeaky voice.talka clear voiceHer voice was clear and confident.bea big/strong voice (=the ability to speak or sing loudly)She’s only a young girl but she has a big voice.havea good voice (=the ability to sing well)My teacher thinks I’ve got a good voice.thinkgeta beautiful voiceShe repeated the poem in her beautiful voice.repeatverbsto raise/lower your voice (=to speak more loudly or more quietly)He did not raise her voice but I could tell he was angry.docanbeShe lowered her voice so Alex couldn’t hear.lowerto lose your voice (=to lose the ability to speak)Jack’s got a cold and he’s lost his voice.getlosesb’s voice rises (=becomes louder or higher)Her voice rose in panic.risesb’s voice drops (=becomes lower)His voice dropped so that it could only just be heard.dropcanhearsb’s voice trembles/shakes (=sounds unsteady)His voice shook with anger.shakea boy’s voice breaks (=becomes deep as he becomes a man)His voice had only recently broken.havebreaknoun + voicesb’s tone of voiceUse a firm tone of voice.




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