

单词 volcano
释义 volcanovolcanoesvolcanosvolcanovolcano /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ $ vɑːlˈkeɪnoʊ/ noun [countable] (plural volcanoes or volcanos) a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava (=very hot liquid rock) is sometimes forced out: The island has several active volcanoes.havevolcano岛上有几座活火山。—volcanicvolcanic /-ˈkænɪk/ adjective: volcanic rocksrock火山岩COLLOCATIONS: volcanoverbsa volcano erupts (=it sends out smoke, fire, and rock)The volcano last erupted 50 years ago.eruptyearadjectivesan active volcano (=one that may erupt at any time)Why would people choose to live near an active volcano?willa dormant volcano (=one that has not erupted for a long time)Volcanoes can remain dormant for hundreds of years.volcanohundredyearan extinct volcano (=one that does not erupt any more)The island is actually an extinct volcano.be




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