

单词 vote
释义 votevotesvotedvotingvotevote1 /vəʊt $ voʊt/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to show by marking a paper, raising your hand etc which person you want to elect, or whether you support a particular planvote for/against/in favour ofHe voted for the Labour candidate.vote 他把票投给了工党候选人。vote onThe people now had the chance to vote on the issue.have 对于这个问题﹐老百姓现在有了表决的机会。vote to do somethingCongress voted to increase taxes.votetax国会表决通过加税。2[transitive] to choose someone or something to win a particular prize by voting for them: It was voted best film at Cannes.bevotewell 这部片子在戛纳电影节获选为最佳电影。THESAURUS: votevote to show that you want to choose a particular person or party, or that you support a particular plan: Who are you going to vote for?begoThe people voted for independence.voteelect to choose a government or leader by voting: He was elected President of the United States.beelectunitestateThe people will elect a new government.veto to use your official power to refuse to allow a decision or plan, which other people have agreed: The president has the right to veto any piece of legislation.have




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