

单词 watch
释义 watchwatcheswatchedwatchingwatchwatch1 /wɒtʃ $ wɑːtʃ, wɒːtʃ/ verb1 [intransitive and transitive] to look at someone or something and pay attention to what is happening: Watch me, I’ll show you. 看着我﹐我给你演示一下。Watch carefully and you might learn something. 仔细看﹐也许你能学到点东西。watch somebody do somethingShe watched him drive away.watch 她看着他开车离去。watch somebody doing somethingWe watched the children playing.watchchildplay 我们看着孩子们玩。watch TV/a film etcI was watching the news.bewatch 我在看新闻。watch what/how/where etcWatch what he does.do看看他做什么。2[transitive] to be careful about something: Watch yourself (=be careful) when you cross the road. 过马路要小心。watch (that)Watch he doesn’t run off on his own.小心别让他一个人跑了。watch where/what etcWatch what you’re doing!do做事小心点!3[transitive] to take care of someone or something for a short time: Can you watch my bags for me?bag你帮我照管一下行李好吗?4[transitive] to pay attention to a situation that interests or worries you: The government will watch the progress of these schemes with interest.scheme政府会很有兴趣地关注这些计划的进展。Phraseswatch it spoken informal used to warn someone to be careful: Hey, watch it – you nearly hit that truck!嘿﹐当心! 你差点撞上那辆卡车!watch your step informal to be careful because you might make someone angry: You’d better watch your step if you want to keep your job.well你如果要保住自己的工作就最好小心谨慎。Phrasal verbswatch out phrasal verb to be careful and pay attention, because something unpleasant might happen: Watch out! You might cut yourself. 当心!你可能会割到自己。watch out forYou can ride your bike here, but watch out for cars.car你可以在这儿骑自行车﹐不过得小心汽车。watch over somebody/something phrasal verb to take care of someone or somethingTHESAURUS: watchwatch to look at someone or something and pay attention to what is happening: I watched the lion as it came closer.watchcomecloseDid you watch that programme about Romania?dosee to watch a particular programme, film, game etc – used when saying whether you have watched it, or when you watched it: Did you see the news last night?doWe saw the new Johnny Depp film on Saturday.seekeep an eye on somebody/something to check that someone or something is safe, well etc by regularly looking at them: Could you keep an eye on the house while we’re away?canI’ll keep an eye on the baby.observe to watch someone or something carefully in order to learn more about them: He had been observing the man’s behaviour in order to find out if he was lying.havebeobservebeliespy on somebody to watch someone secretly in order to find out what they are doing: He hired a private detective to spy on her.hiresomeone who watches somethingspectator someone who watches an event, especially a sports event: There were 4,500 spectators at the game.bespectatora crowd of spectatorsspectatorviewer someone who watches television: Millions of television viewers listened to the President’s speech.viewerlistenprogrammes for younger viewersprogrammeyoungvieweraudience the people who watch a play or performance, or the people who watch a particular television programme: The audience roared with laughter and clapped.roarclapIt attracted a television audience of seven million.attractonlooker someone who watches something happening without being involved in it, especially in the street: A man was standing on the roof, watched by a crowd of onlookers below.bestandwatchonlookerobserver someone who watches and pays attention to particular situations and events, because they are interested in them, or it is their job: She was a shrewd observer of human nature.bea political observer who writes for The Independent newspaperwriteThe United Nations has sent military observers to the Sudan.unitenationhavesendobserver




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