

单词 brain
释义 brainbrainsbrainbrain /breɪn/ noun1 [countable] the part of your body inside your head which you use to think, feel, and move: Jorge suffered brain damage in the accident.suffer 乔治在事故中大脑受损。a brain tumour 脑瘤2[countable usually plural, uncountable] the ability to think well: If you had any brains, you’d know what I mean.havebrain 如果你有点头脑的话﹐你就会明白我的意思。Come on, use your brain, John. 好了﹐约翰﹐动动脑筋。3[countable usually plural] informal someone who is very intelligent: Some of the best brains in the country are here tonight.wellbrainbe 全国一些最优秀的人才今晚云集此处。 ➔ pick sb’s brain(s) at pick1, rack your brain(s) at rack2Phrasesbe the brains behind something to be the person who thought of and developed a plan, system, organization etc, especially a successful one: He’s the brains behind the company’s success.brain 公司的成功有赖他出谋划策。




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