

单词 brainwave
释义 brainwavebrainwavesbrainwavebrainwave /ˈbreɪnweɪv/ noun [countable] British English a very good idea that you have suddenly SYN brainstorm American EnglishTHESAURUS: brainwaveidea something that you think of, especially a plan or suggestion that you tell someone about: It sounds like a really good idea.soundDo you have any ideas for presents?ideapresentthought something that comes into your mind when you think about something: My mind was full of strange thoughts.bethoughtHe had a sudden thought.havethinkimpression an idea in your mind about what someone or something is like: It rained all the time, so I have a bad impression of the place.rainWhat was your impression of him?beinspiration the idea that you use for doing or creating something: The inspiration for her designs comes from the natural world.designcomeWe were all hoping for some inspiration.behopebrainwave British English, brainstorm American English a sudden clever idea, especially one that solves a problem: Then he had a brainwave – why not get someone else to do all the work?haveconcept our idea about what something is like, or how something should be: the traditional concept of marriageConcepts of beauty are different in different cultures.conceptbeculturetheory a set of ideas that are used in order to explain why something happens: a scientific theoryThere are a lot of theories about what really happened that night.betheoryhappen




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