

单词 well
释义 wellwellwell1 /wel/ adverb (comparative better /ˈbetə $ -ər/, superlative best /best/)1in a good, successful, or satisfactory way: Did you sleep well?do你睡得好吗?The business is doing well.bedo 生意很成功。I hope the party goes well.go我希望聚会顺利。2thoroughly or completely: Mix the flour and butter well. 把面粉和黄油搅匀。I don’t know her very well. 我不是很了解她。Summer is now well and truly (=completely) over.be夏天已经完全过去了。3very much or a lotwell before/after/above/below etcBy the time they finished, it was well after midnight.finishbe他们结束时早已经过了午夜。The village is well worth a visit.be这个村庄很值得参观。Phrasesas well (as somebody/something) in addition to someone or something else: My sister’s going as well.go 我妹妹也去。He’s learning French as well as Italian.learn他不但在学法语﹐也在学意大利语。can’t very well do something spoken used to say that it does not seem sensible or fair to do something: We can’t very well just leave her on her own.我们不能撇下她不管。may/might as well spoken used when you do not particularly want to do something but you decide you should do it: We may as well get started.start我们不如开始吧。may/might/could well used to say that something is likely to happen or is likely to be true: There may well be another earthquake very soon.另一场地震可能很快要来了。THESAURUS probablymight/could (just) as well used to say that a course of action that was easier, cheaper etc would have had an equally good result: The taxi was so slow, we might just as well have gone on the bus.bego计程车开得这么慢﹐我们当时还不如乘公共汽车呢。well done spoken used to praise someone when you think they have done something very well: ‘I got an ‘A’ in Spanish.’ ‘Well done!’getdo“我西班牙语考试得了个 A。”“很好!”




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