

单词 brand
释义 brandbrandsbrandbrand1 /brænd/ noun [countable]1a product that a particular company makesbrand ofa new brand of soap 一种新品牌的香皂2a particular quality or way of doing somethingbrand ofNat’s special brand of humour 纳特特殊的幽默感THESAURUS: branda type of productbrand a type of product made by a particular company, especially one you use every day such as food or a cleaning material: Most supermarkets have their own brand of coffee.supermarketmake a type of product made by a particular company – used especially about machines, equipment, or cars: What make is your washing machine?bewashmodel one of the various types of car, machine etc that a company produces: This is their most popular model.beThe new model will be available early next year.




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