

单词 when
释义 whenwhenwhen /wen/ adverb, linking word1at what time: When are we leaving?beleave我们什么时候走?When did you notice he was gone?dobego你什么时候注意到他走了?when to do somethingI’ll tell you when to stop.我会告诉你什么时候停。2at or during the time that something happens: He was nine when his father died.bedie 他父亲去世时他九岁。He always wears glasses except when playing football.wearglassplay 除了踢足球的时候外﹐他一直戴着眼镜。The best moment was when Barnes scored the winning goal.wellbescorewin最精彩的一刻是巴恩斯射入制胜一球的时候。3after or as soon as something happens: I’ll phone you when I get home.我到家后会给你打电话的。4even though something is true: Why do you want a new camera when your old one’s perfectly good?你的旧相机好好的﹐为什么还要一架新的呢? ➔ since when at sinceTHESAURUS: whenwhen at or during the time that something happens: It was dark when I got home.begetHe never hears what I say when he’s watching TV.hearwatchwhile during the same period of time that something is happening: I usually try to work while the baby’s sleeping.sleepwhenever used for emphasizing that something always happens when another thing happens: Whenever I sit down, the phone rings.ringby the time used for saying that something has already happened when another thing happens: He was dead by the time the ambulance got to the hospital.beget




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