

单词 where
释义 wherewherewhere /weə $ wer/ adverb, linking word1in or to which place: Where do you live?你住在哪里?I think I know where he’s gone.go我想我知道他去了哪里。where to do somethingIt’s hard to know where to get help.知道从哪里能获得帮助很难。2used to talk about a particular place, or to give more information about it: Stay right where you are.be待在原地别动。In 1963 we moved to Boston, where my grandparents lived.movegrandparentlive 1963 年我们搬到了波士顿﹐我祖父母就住在那儿。3in or to any place SYN wherever: You can sit where you like.随便坐。4used to talk about a part of a process or situation: It had reached the point where both of us wanted a divorce.havereachwant已经到了我俩都想离婚的地步。




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