

单词 wise
释义 wisewiserwisestwisewise1 /waɪz/ adjective1a wise decision or action is sensibleit is wise to do somethingIt would be wise to phone first.will先打电话是明智的。2a wise person is able to use their knowledge and experience of life to make good decisions and give good advice: He’s older and wiser now.oldwise他现在年龄增加了﹐也变得更聪明了。3work-wise/price-wise/time-wise etc used to refer to a particular feature of a situation: How are you managing money-wise?bemanage钱这方面你有问题吗?—wiselywisely adverbPhrasesbe none the wiser to not understand or know something even after it has been explained to you: He tried to explain, but I was still none the wiser.trybewise他试图解释﹐可我还是不明白。THESAURUS: wiseintelligent having a high level of mental ability and good at learning and understanding ideas: Some dogs are quite intelligent.dogbeYou have to be very intelligent to be a doctor.His father was a highly intelligent man.beclever especially BrE, smart especially AmE able to think and learn quickly and find ways to solve problems: You’re so clever! How did you think of that?doA smart lawyer spotted a mistake in the police evidence.spotShe’ll know the answer – she’s much smarter than I am.smartbebright intelligent – used especially about children and young people: She’s a bright kid.the brightest student in the classbrightHe’s young and he’s bright – he will go far.brilliant extremely intelligent and good at the work you do: a brilliant scientistgifted a gifted child is much more intelligent than most children of the same age: a special school for gifted childrengiftchildwise able to make good decisions and give sensible advice, especially because you have a lot of experience of life: a wise old mancunning good at getting what you want, often by making secret plans or tricking people: He was a cunning politician who knew how to use the situation to his advantage.beknow




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