

单词 work
释义 workworksworkedworkingworkwork1 /wɜːk $ wɜːrk/ verb1do a job [intransitive and transitive] to do a job in order to earn moneywork at/inShe works in a bank.work 她在一家银行工作。work forDo you enjoy working for the police?work 你喜欢警察工作吗?work asJoe worked as a builder.work 乔当过建筑工人。work with/amongShe wants to work with children.wantchild 她想做儿童工作。Ted often works late (=works after most people have finished).work泰德经常工作到很晚。work days/nights/weekends (=work during the day, night etc)2do something [intransitive and transitive] to spend time and effort doing somethingwork onShe’s working on a new book.work 她正在写一本新书。work to do somethingThe company is working hard to improve its image.bework 该公司正努力提升其形象。They work the land (=grow crops) to feed their families.family他们种地来养家糊口。3operate a)[transitive] if a machine works, it does what it is meant to do: The CD player isn’t working.work这台激光唱机坏了。 b)[transitive] to make a machine do what it is meant to do SYN operate: Do you know how to work the printer?你知道如何使用这台打印机吗?4be effective [transitive] if a plan, method, medicine etc works, it gives you the results you want: Most diets don’t work.diet大多数节食计划都不奏效。5to different position [intransitive and transitive] to gradually move to a new position: The wheel must have worked loose.work 这轮子肯定是松了。He worked his way to the top.work他慢慢升到了最高层。6use something [intransitive and transitive] to use a particular substance in order to make somethingwork in/witha sculptor who works in steelwork做钢雕的雕塑家Phraseswork against somebody/work in sb’s favour to stop someone succeeding, or to help someone to succeed: Unfortunately, her low grades worked against her.gradework很遗憾﹐她成绩差对她不利。Phrasal verbswork something ↔ off phrasal verb to do some physical exercise to make yourself feel less worried, angry etc: Running is a good way of working off stress.runbework跑步是缓解压力的好办法。work out phrasal verb1to calculate an amount, price, or valuework something ↔ outLet’s work out how much beer we need. 我们来算算我们需要多少啤酒。work out atIt works out at $50 a night.work算下来是每晚 50 美元。2work something ↔ out to decide or plan something in order to solve a problem: He still hasn’t worked out where he’ll live.work他还没有决定要住在哪里。3if a situation works out in a particular way, it ends in that way: Everything worked out OK in the end.work最终结果一切都好。4to do exercises that make you strongerwork on something phrasal verb to try very hard to improve or achieve something: A trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness.havebebring请来一位教练来全力帮助她增强体质。THESAURUS practisework up something phrasal verb to gradually make yourself have a particular feelingwork up interest/energy/enthusiasm etcI’m trying to work up the courage to visit the dentist.try我正试图鼓起勇气去看牙医。work up an appetite/thirst (=make yourself hungry or thirsty)work up to something phrasal verb to prepare yourself for something difficult




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