

单词 writing
释义 writingwritingswritingwriting /ˈraɪtɪŋ/ noun1[uncountable] words that have been written or printed: I can’t read the writing on the envelope.write 我看不懂信封上的文字。a T-shirt with Japanese writing on itwrite印有日文的 T 恤衫2[uncountable] books, poems, articles etc by a particular writer or on a particular subject: some of Greene’s most powerful writingwrite格林的一些最震撼人心的著作3[uncountable] the activity or skill of writing: She took up writing as a career.takewrite她开始以写作为生。4writings [plural] the books, stories etc that an important writer has writtenPhrasesin writing if you get something in writing, it is official proof of an agreement, promise etc: Ask them to put it in writing.write要求他们以书面形式记下来。




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