

单词 breath
释义 breathbreathsbreathbreath /breθ/ noun1[uncountable] air that you send out of your lungs when you breathe: He has bad breath (=his breath smells unpleasant).have他有口臭。I could smell alcohol on his breath.can 我从他的呼吸中闻到了酒精的味道。2[uncountable and countable] air that you take into your lungs: She talked without pausing for breath.talkpause她不停地说着,都没有停下来喘口气。take a (deep/big/long) breathHe took a deep breath and dived into the water.takedive 他深深吸了一口气﹐然后跳入水中。UsageDo not confuse breath (noun) and breathe (verb). Do not say ‘I found it hard to breath.’ Say I found it hard to breathe.find(我觉得呼吸困难。)Phrasesa breath of fresh air1something that is new, different, and enjoyable: This exciting young designer has brought a breath of fresh air to the fashion world.excitehavebring 这位令人振奋的年轻设计师给时装界带来了一股新的气息。2clean air outside: I’m just going out for a breath of fresh air.go 我就出去吸口新鲜空气。catch your breath/get your breath back to rest after running, climbing etc until you can breathe normally again: I stopped at the top of the hill to catch my breath.stop我在山顶停下来喘口气。don’t hold your breath spoken used to say that something is not going to happen soon: He promised to pay back the money he owes you, but don’t hold your breath.promiseowe他保证说会还欠你的钱,不过你别指望会很快。hold your breath to deliberately stop breathing in and out for a short while: Can you hold your breath under water?你能在水下屏住呼吸吗?out of breath/short of breath having difficulty breathing, especially after exercise: He was leaning against the wall, completely out of breath.belean他靠在墙上,完全喘不过气来。take your breath away if something takes your breath away, it is very beautiful or exciting: a view that will take your breath away令人屏息的美景under your breath in a quiet voice, so that other people cannot hear: ‘I hate you,’ he muttered under his breath.mutter “我恨你。” 他压低声音说。




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