

单词 yield
释义 yieldyieldsyieldedyieldingyieldyield1 /jiːld/ verb1[transitive] to produce something, especially a profit or a result: Our research yielded important results.yieldresult 我们的研究取得了重要成果。 2[transitive] to finally agree to do something because people have forced or persuaded youyield toThe minister yielded to pressure and resigned.yieldresign 部长迫于压力而辞职。 3[transitive] American English to allow the traffic on another road to go first SYN give way British Englishyield toYield to traffic on the left.leave 让左侧车辆先行。 4[transitive] to allow someone else to have power or control over something: The military promised to yield power.promise 军方答应交出权力。 5[transitive] literary to stop fighting and admit you have lost SYN surrender6[transitive] to bend or move when pressed




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