

单词 young
释义 youngyoungeryoungestyoungyoung1 /jʌŋ/ adjective1 someone who is young has not lived for very long OPP old: a game for young childrenchild供幼童玩耍的游戏I used to ski when I was young.usebe 我小时候常去滑雪。My brother’s younger than me.young 我家两兄弟﹐我是哥哥。 ➔ old2seeming younger than you are ➔ youthful: I’ve always looked young for my age.look 我看上去总是比我实际年龄小。The show is ideal for children and people who are young at heart (=who have the same attitudes, interests etc as young people).bechildbe这节目很适合儿童和怀有童心的人观看。3a young country, organization etc has not existed for very long4intended for young people: Is this dress too young for me?be这条裙子我穿是不是太年轻了?THESAURUS: youngyoung someone who is young has not lived for very long: I was the youngest student in the class.beyounga quiet young mansmall/little a small child is very young: Small children need plenty of sleep.childThey have a little boy of about three.teenage between the ages of 13 and 19: Clothes are very important to teenage girls.clothebegirlThey have three teenage children.childbe in your teens to be between the ages of 13 and 19: I think she’s in her teens now.teenadolescent at the age when you change from being a child into an adult – used especially when talking about the problems people have at that age: Adolescent boys find it hard to talk about their feelings.boyfeeling adolescent behaviourunderage too young to drink alcohol, work, get married etc according to the law: underage drinkersdrinkerAlthough she was underage, Bobby left school and got a job.beleavegetjuvenile formal relating to young people who commit crime: juvenile crimea special prison for juvenile offendersoffenderjunior relating to sports played by young people rather than adults: the junior championshipschampionshipthe junior championyouthful someone who is youthful still seems young or behaves like a much younger person: a youthful 65 year oldimmature behaving in a way that is not sensible and is typical of someone who is much younger: I wish you’d stop being so immature!bethe time when you are youngchildhood the time when you are a child: I had a very happy childhood.haveyouth the time when you are young, especially between about 15 and 25: He’d been a keen football player in his youth.beadolescence the time when you are changing from a child into an adult: the emotional problems of adolescenceprobleminfancy formal the time when you are a baby: Her first baby died in infancy.die




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