

单词 bruise
释义 bruisebruisesbruisebruise /bruːz/ noun [countable] a dark mark on your skin where you have fallen, been hit etc—bruisebruisesbruisedbruisingbruise verb [transitive]: He fell and bruised his knee.fallbruise他摔了一跤﹐碰伤了膝盖。—bruisingbruising noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: bruiseto hurt part of your bodyhurt to do something that makes part of your body feel painful: I hurt my back when I was lifting a heavy box.beliftinjure to hurt part of your body badly: Tom injured his leg in a motorcycle accident.injurebreak to hurt a part of your body by breaking a bone in it: Nicky went skiing and broke her leg.goskibreakcut to hurt part of your body by touching a sharp object: I cut myself on some broken glass.breakbruise to hurt your body when you fall or are hit, in a way that makes a dark mark appear on your skin: I bruised my forehead on the doorway.bruisetwist/sprain to hurt your knee, wrist, shoulder etc by suddenly twisting it while you are moving: Tony sprained his knee when he was playing soccer.sprainbeplayShe jumped down from the wall and twisted her ankle.jumptwistdislocate to damage a joint in your body in a way that moves the two parts of the joint out of their normal position: He fell over and dislocated his shoulder.falldislocate




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