

单词 brush
释义 brushbrushesbrushbrush1 /brʌʃ/ noun1 [countable] a thing that you use for cleaning, painting, tidying your hair etc ➔ broom: a scrubbing brushscrub 硬毛刷﹐板刷a brush and comb 发刷和梳子2[singular] a movement of brushing something: I’ll just give my hair a quick brush.我很快梳一下头发就好。3[uncountable] small bushes and trees that cover an area4brush with something a time when something unpleasant almost happens to you: a brush with death 与死神擦肩而过His first brush with the law occurred when he was a teenager.occurbe他第一次差点儿犯法是在他十几岁的时候。 ➔ hairbrush, nailbrush, paintbrush, toothbrush




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