

单词 cake
释义 cakecakescakecake /keɪk/ noun1 [uncountable and countable] a sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs: Would you like some chocolate cake?will 你要来点巧克力蛋糕吗?2fish/rice/potato etc cake fish etc that is made into a flat round shape and then cookedPhraseshave your cake and eat it to have all the advantages of something without its disadvantages: You can’t have your cake and eat it too.鱼和熊掌不可兼得。COLLOCATIONS: cakeverbsto make/bake a cakeHe made a cake for my birthday.make ► Do not say ’cook a cake’. Say make a cake or bake a cake.to cut a cakeShall I cut the cake?to decorate a cakeWe decorated the cake with chocolate flakes.decorateflaketo ice a cake British English, to frost a cake American English (=to cover a cake with a sweet substance made with sugar)She iced her own wedding cake.icenouns + cakea piece/slice of cakeWould you like another piece of fruit cake?willtypes of cakea birthday/Christmas/wedding cakeShe blew out the candles on her birthday cake.blowcandlea fruit cake (=one with dried fruit in it)Fruit cakes keep for quite a long time.cakea sponge cake (=one made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs)It’s best to eat sponge cakes on the day you make them.wellcakea chocolate/coffee/lemon cake (=a sponge cake with a chocolate etc flavour)She’d baked a chocolate cake for me.bakea homemade cakePeople brought delicious homemade cakes to sell.bringcake




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