

单词 calm
释义 calmcalmercalmestcalmcalm1 /kɑːm $ kɑːm, kɑːlm/ adjective1person relaxed and not angry or upsetkeep/stay/remain calmPlease, everyone, try to keep calm!请大家尽量保持冷静!a calm voice平静的话音2place/situation if a place or situation is calm, there is not much activity or trouble: The streets are calm again after last night’s riots.streetberiot昨夜的骚乱过后﹐街道又恢复了平静。3sea/lake a sea or lake that is calm does not have many waves: The water was much calmer in the bay.becalm海湾里水面平静多了。4weather calm weather is not windy or stormy: Calmer weather is expected later in the week.calmbeexpectlate预计本周后期天气较稳定。—calmlycalmly adverb—calmnesscalmnessescalmness noun [uncountable]




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