

单词 career
释义 careercareerscareercareer1 /kəˈrɪə $ -ˈrɪr/ noun [countable]1a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you usually do for a long time: a teaching careerteach教师职业career ina career in law律师职业Career prospects (=job opportunities) within the company are excellent.prospectbe这家公司职业前景极佳。2the time in your life that you spend working or doing a particular type of work: Ted spent most of his career as a teacher.spend特德的职业生涯中大部分时间是当教师。career asMy career as a writer didn’t last long.我的写作生涯没有持续多久。THESAURUS: careerjob the work that you do regularly to earn money, especially when you work for a company or a public organization: My first job was in a record store.beShe sometimes wished she had a different job.wishhavework activities that you do to earn money: Thousands of men are looking for work.manbelookHe started work when he was 15.startbeprofession a job that needs special education and training, for example being a teacher, doctor, or lawyer: He wants to go into the medical profession (=become a doctor).wantShe works in the legal profession (=she is a lawyer).workoccupation formal a job or type of job – often used on official documents: Give details of your current occupation.detailcareer the work you do or plan to do for most of your life: Have you thought about your future career?thinkposition formal a particular job in an organization: I am writing to apply for the position of sales manager.bewritesalewhat you do (for a living) the usual way of talking or asking about someone’s job: ‘What do you do for a living?’ ‘I’m a teacher.’liveI know he works in television, but I’m not sure what he does.workdo




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