

单词 casual
释义 casualcasualcasual /ˈkæʒuəl/ adjective1relaxed relaxed and not worried, or seeming not to care about somethingcasual aboutShe’s always been pretty casual about her appearance.be她对自己的外表总是很随便。His casual attitude towards work annoyed me.annoy他对工作漫不经心的态度让我很生气。2not serious or careful [only before noun] not done in a serious, careful, or planned way: a casual glance at the newspapersnewspaper随便地看了一下报纸She wanted something more than a casual relationship.want她要的不是那种随随便便的关系。the dangers of casual sexdanger 随便的性关系的危险性3clothes casual clothes are comfortable and not worn in formal situations OPP formal: He changed into a casual jacket and jeans.change他还上了休闲夹克和牛仔裤。4work casual work is temporary, or not regular: casual employment短期雇用people who work on a casual basis 做临时工的人—casuallycasually adverb: He was dressed casually in faded jeans.bedressfade他随意地穿了条已褪色的牛仔裤。




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