

单词 change
释义 changechangeschangechange2 noun1something becomes different [uncountable and countable] something that has become different, or a situation in which something becomes differentchange inrecent changes in the lawchange法律的最新变更the need for political change政治变革的需要change ofhis sudden changes of moodchange他心情的忽然改变2something new and interesting [singular] something that is interesting or enjoyable because it is different from what is usual: I need a change.我需要来个变化。Let’s eat out for a change.我们换换口味到外面去吃饭吧。‘Ron was on time.’ ‘That makes a change.’bemake“罗恩准时到了。”“这倒是新鲜事。”3something is replaced [countable] an action or event that involves replacing one thing with another: The car needs an oil change.need这辆车要换机油。change ofa change of government政府的更迭change from something to somethingthe change from pounds to kilogramspoundkilogram从磅到千克的换算4money [uncountable] a)the money you get back when you pay more than something costs: Here’s your change, sir.这是您的找零﹐先生。 b)coins, not paper moneyin changeI have about a dollar in change.我有一美元左右的零钱。 c)coins or paper money that add up to the same value as a larger unit of moneychange forDo you have change for $1?你有一美元的零钱吗?THESAURUS money5clothes a change of clothes/underwear etc another set of clothes that you can use if necessary ➔ small changePhraseshave a change of heart to change your attitude about something: She was thinking of leaving, but then she had a sudden change of heart.bethinkleavehave她一直在考虑辞职,可是突然又改变了主意。COLLOCATIONS: changeadjectivesa big/major/great changeThere have been some big changes in my life recently.bechangea slight/small/minor changeThere has to be a slight change of plan.haveThe proposed changes were relatively minor.proposechangebea gradual changeThe change in his attitude was very gradual.bea fundamental/radical changeThere will have to be fundamental changes in the way we use energy.changeThe new way of working was a radical change for them both.workbea dramatic/drastic change (=a very big change)The Industrial Revolution was a period of dramatic change.besocial/political/economic etc changea period of great economic changeDemands for political and social change are growing.demandbegrowverbsto make a changeWe’ve made some changes to the design.makechangeto bring about a change (=to cause it)The war brought about many changes.bringchangeto introduce a changeThe government introduced a number of changes to education.introducenumbchangeto see a change (=to notice it or experience it)I’ve been here for twenty years and seen a lot of changes.beyearseechangeto undergo a change (=to be affected by a change)The body undergoes a number of changes during puberty.undergonumbchange




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