

单词 pleased
释义 pleasedpleasedpleased /pliːzd/ adjective happy about something or satisfied with somethingpleased with/aboutAre you pleased with the result?beplease你对这个结果满意吗?pleased forThat’s wonderful. I’m really pleased for you.please 太好了﹐我真的为你高兴。pleased (that)I was pleased that he agreed to see me.bepleaseagree我很高兴他答应见我。pleased to hear/see/know etc somethingYou’ll be pleased to hear that you’ve got the job.pleaseget 知道得到了这份工作﹐你一定很高兴。 Phrases(I’m) pleased to meet you spoken a polite expression used when you meet someone for the first time: ‘Pleased to meet you,’ he said, shaking my hand.pleasesayshake“幸会。”他握着我的手说。pleased with yourself disapproving feeling proud and satisfied because you think you have done something clever: She’s a bit too pleased with herself.biteplease她有点得意过头了。THESAURUS: pleasedhappy: I’m happy to be here with you.She had a very happy childhood.havecheerful looking and behaving in a way that shows you are happy: Sally’s always very cheerful.a cheerful smilebe in a good mood to be feeling happy and behaving in a relaxed way: It was the end of term and everyone was in a good mood.bebepleased happy because something good has happened, or someone has done something well: I’m pleased that I’ve got the job.pleasegetBen’s teachers are very pleased with his work.teacherbepleasedelighted very happy because something good has happened. Delighted is more formal than pleased: The doctors say they are delighted with her progress.doctorbedelightglad happy because something good has happened, especially because a situation has improved, or because something bad did not happen: I’ll be so glad when the exams are over.exambeWe’re glad that you’re safe.thrilled very happy and excited about something that happens: We’re thrilled that they’re getting married.thrillgetmarrysatisfied feeling that something is as good as you hoped, or that something happens the way you want: Most patients said that they were satisfied with the treatment they had received.patientsaybesatisfyhavereceiveBoth sides were satisfied with the agreement.sidebesatisfycontented written feeling happy with your life, job, situation etc and not wanting anything different: She was contented with her life in the village.becontentHe had a contented expression.havecontentsatisfied feeling that something is as good as it should be, or that something has happened in the way that you want: The teacher is satisfied with his progress.besatisfyhappy [not before noun] satisfied. Happy is less formal than satisfied, and is the usual word to use in everyday English: I was very happy with this arrangement.bepleased [not before noun] very satisfied: I’m pleased with the results.pleaseresultcontent [not before noun] satisfied with a situation, so that you do not want to change anything: She seemed content to let Jim do the talking.seemtalk




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